How it Works

Create Account

Create and account to offer or request home care services. All you need is an email address.

Post or Browse

Post an add for your service, or browse through all the options available. Make sure to select your area and home care service in the search bar.

Contact a Caregiver

You can send an email or a direct message through our platform to the caregivers to set an interview and further discuss the services

Stay Safe

Follow our guides on how to schedule an interview safely. Remember to never give personal information to strangers and to always meet in. public spaces.

How to safely contact people

Always use a proxy email address or phone number

Meet in public and bring someone you trust with you. Never meet at home for the first time!

Plan in advance and negotiate your terms.

Do not  respond to caregivers that reach out to you first.  Caregivers should wait for families or users to reach out to them for the first time. 

Do not respond and report suspicious users